Sitting in the back of a friend’s car on a frosty, December night, I didn’t care how it happened. It wasn’t even supposed to happen. For the first second of the first sip of the awful, cheap vodka, I just thought “oh okay this wasn’t so bad.” Then, the actual taste kicked in and turned to “oh, that’s fucking disgusting.” But you have to keep going because after a certain amount of time and a certain amount of drinks, it doesn’t matter.
I learned that drunk me is bitter and angry, not afraid to say the things that I thought. There’s a surprise, that’s how it works for everyone else too.
But I guess I scarred everyone for life or something and people didn’t look at me the same anymore. So for the rest of high school, I lived with the stigma of being the one that expressed my dislike of certain qualities of people directly to them. Today, that’s not so weird but in high school, doing this is unholy blasphemy that you will be eternally cast out for.
Even with all the negative results, I still never truly captured the magic of being completely wasted for the first time.